The Pig Comes Full-Circle

Normally, dinner is uneventful. Tonight was not the case.

We were told to eat on the small kitchen table accompanied by the small stools. This should have been my first hint something was going down tonight. We normally eat in the dinning-room, but tonight it was set up nicer than usual. Guests must be coming.

Sure enough, about ten minutes into eating my eggs, my host brother comes in the kitchen with the biggest jug of wine I have ever seen. This thing could have easily been 5 gallons of homemade white wine. Seconds later, Justin was whisked away to sit in the dining room as I was left with the two adult females in the kitchen.

A bunch of men arrived and the feast begun in the dining room! The men came with the bbq meat. Excited, I chowed down on one of the most delicious bbq pieces I’ve ever had. Sounds delicious, right? Well, consider this….as I was enjoying my meat, my host family proudly told me that the pig I’m eating was our very own pig. And yes, the cannibal pig I talked about a few posts ago (please read that post if you haven’t). So inside of me right now, I’m digesting a pig that digested her own piglets. I couldn’t help myself finding the situation ironically hilarious, so I tried my hardest to not crack a smile.

Minutes later, my host sister looks at me and goes, “F*** You!” I look at her and she is laughing and asking what does that phrase mean in America. After almost spitting out my tea, I told her that this is not something you tell people and it should never be repeated. Did that work? Of course not, it just created a debate on how it is perfectly okay to say this in Georgia.

As I’m having that discussion, Justin is trying his hardest not to keep up with the Georgian men and their large tolerance of alcohol. Justin was shocked that they did not stop drinking after the 10th glass. Exhausted, I retire to the bedroom alone thinking Justin will follow. Nope, he was still there. So at 11:00 p.m., I give up and attempt to rescue him to get him to bed.

As I’m grabbing Justin downstairs, one of the drunk men sees me and suddenly decided to practice English with me. He got as far as, “What is your name?” Then looks at Justin as said, “Wife Beautiful.” Then the man looks at us and makes a gesture that tonight, Justin should get me pregnant. My reaction at this point was, “of course, he would say that.” My host brother walks out his friend before the discussion could go any further.

I honestly thought taking my mid-training oral language test was today’s main event, but nope, this dinner definitely trumps it.